Sunday, March 13, 2011


The way you feel when you wake up feeling anything but refreshed (under a pink mosquito net, under a high velocity ceiling fan).
Sloth caused by 95 degree days, un-airconditioned grocery stores, and poorly behaved Indian children.
Bad attitude caused by any of the following conditions:
-school without recess and kids who don't mind their own business (Violet's words)
-no end to sexual repression and gender discrimination (my words)
-fat men in speedos who try to foil your efforts to get in the pool because you haven't showered and aren't wearing a proper swim cap, (but really it's because you are wearing an immodest one-piece bathing suit that reveals your upper thighs and actually know how to swim) (my words again!)
-trying to find a ride home because the trains have been burned because of political unrest
-trying to procure a Kingfisher beer on a Friday night but good luck because either the restaurant you are in doesn't have a liquor license or there is a city-wide alcohol drought ALL WEEKEND LONG because of political unrest.
-your coconut walla is trying to not charge you 12 Rps. for a coconut, when you know damn well that the going rate is 10 Rps, because that's what you've been paying him all along.

Luckily for us...Tea fights lassitude!